
World City Relational Data

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This is the raison d'être of GaWC. For an introduction, see A Brief Guide to Quantitative Data Collection at GaWC, 1997-2001.


World city researchers with relational data on world cities are encouraged to post it here. Depositors may apply their own protocol for use by others. (Contact crogfam@gmail.com)

PROTOCOL for using GaWC data

As part of our mission to promote the study of non-state relations we wish to encourage people to use the data posted here in their research and teaching. However, we do ask that, as a matter of courtesy bordering on ethics, the research project and the information gatherers are properly acknowledged along with GaWC itself. Each data set will have a statement as to whom to acknowledge and we ask that this be reproduced in every public use of the data.

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Data Set 1: US Cities: Surrogate Measures of Relations, 1990
(T.R. Longcore, C. McWilliams and P.J. Taylor)

Data Set 2: London and New York: Surrogate Measures of Relations, 1997

Data Set 3: Randstad Cities: Surrogate Measures of Relations, 1970-95
(A.M. Beerda)

Data Set 4: London's Relations with other Cities Using Producer Service Office Geographies
(J.V. Beaverstock, R.G. Smith and P.J. Taylor)

Data Set 5: US Cities: Law Firm Office Geographies, 1998
(J.V. Beaverstock, R.G. Smith and P.J. Taylor)

Data Set 6: World Cities and Global Firms
(P.J. Taylor and D.R.F. Walker)

Data Set 7: Inter-City Matrices
(P.J. Taylor and D.R.F. Walker)

Data Set 8: World Cities: Regional Dimensions
(P.J. Taylor, D.R.F. Walker and M. Hoyler)

Data Set 9: Cities Mentioned in Advertisements in The Economist (May 2000 - January 2001)
(P.J. Taylor)

Data Set 10: The Relative Centrality of Cities Based upon Air Passenger Travel, 1977-1997
(M. Timberlake and D.A. Smith with K.-H. Shin)

Data Set 11: World City Network: The Basic Data
(P.J. Taylor and G. Catalano)

Data Set 12: Global Network Service Connectivities for 315 Cities in 2000
(P.J. Taylor)

Data Set 13: Engineering/Architectural Firms in World Cities: Global Practice Matrix
(P.L. Knox, P.J. Taylor and E. Milfeit)

Data Set 14: Engineering/Architectural Firms in World Cities: Nodal Size and Network Connectivity
(P.J. Taylor)

Data Set 15: Architectural Firms in World Cities: Global Practice Matrix
(P.J. Taylor, P.L. Knox and E. Milfeit)

Data Set 16: Architectural Firms in World Cities: Nodal Size and Network Connectivity
(P.J. Taylor)

Data Set 17: International Organizations: Activities Matrix
(P.J. Taylor, R. Lang and T. Gravitt)

Data Set 18: International Organizations: Network Connectivities
(P.J. Taylor)

Data Set 19: Non-Governmental Organizations in World Cities: Activities Matrix
(P.J. Taylor, R. Lang and T. Gravitt)

Data Set 20: Non-Governmental Organizations in World Cities: Network Connectivites
(P.J. Taylor)

Data Set 21: Diplomatic Activities in World Cities: Presence Matrix
(P.J. Taylor and K. Matthews)

Data Set 22: Diplomatic Activities in World Cities: Network Connectivities
(P.J. Taylor)

Data Set 23: United Nations Institutions: Activities Matrix
(P.J. Taylor and C. Blake)

Data Set 24: United Nations Institutions: Network Connectivities
(P.J. Taylor)

Data Set 25: Explosive City Growth in the Modern World-System: Urban Demographic Changes
(P.J. Taylor, A. Firth, M. Hoyler and D. Smith)

Data Set 26: Global Command and Control Centres, 2006/2009/2012
(G. Csomós)

Data Set 27: World City Network 2013: Service Value Matrix and Global Network Connectivities
(B. Derudder and P.J. Taylor)

Data Set 28: World City Network 2016: Service Value Matrix and Global Network Connectivities
(B. Derudder and P.J. Taylor)



Data Tool 1: Macro for Calculating Connectivities (max 254 cities x 255 firms)
(E.C. Rossi and C.C.C. Rossi)

Data Tool 2: Macro for Calculating Connectivities (max 1100 cities x 255 firms)
(R. Aranya)

Data Tool 3: Macro for Calculating Connectivities (max 2335 cities x 499 firms)
(M. Bentlage)

Data Tool 4: Computing Inter-City Matrix and Global Network Connectivities with R - A Brief Guide
(T. Storme and B. Derudder)