Selma Uskuri

Technology Solutions Professional for Microsoft

A Master’s Degree in Physics and Mathematics has provided me a number of important skills. I have acquired strong problem-solving skills; honed my critical thinking abilities and I have become more adept at analysing data.

The skills gained through my degree were monumental in entering the tech industry - an industry that is growing rapidly and changing the way we experience life, one example being the developments in Quantum Computing. With emerging new threats from an interdependent global world, Coronavirus being just one example, the demand for this sector and the potential for making impact will only grow.

Your options do not end here. Physics and Maths graduates are sought-after individuals in various industries, from engineering to finance. The skills and the knowledge you will gain through these courses would open several exciting doors. Sky's the limit!

Post 16 Education: A Levels Maths, Physics & French

Higher Education: Physics and Maths MSc (Hons)

Why did you study Physics and Maths?

I am a numbers person and I enjoy doing Maths. The element of solving complex problems is really exciting. On the other hand, it was my desire to better understand the dynamics of the universe that drew me to Physics. Therefore, a joint degree in Physics and Maths seemed to be the best option. The combination in itself proved to be beneficial since knowledge of one complements that of the other. I always like to say that Maths is the language of Physics. Furthermore, I had understood early on that these subjects would give me a lot of flexibility when it came to choosing my career path.

Selma鈥檚 advice

Work hard to the best of your ability because the grades you get now will play a key part in determining your university options. People are different with different personalities and preferences. I want you to know that university is not the only option to go forward. There are tons of apprenticeships at great firms if that is what suits your life aspirations.

If you decide to go to university, choose to study a subject you are passionate about. Passion can directly translate into academic success. Never stop looking for options to build yourself. Good luck with your future endeavours!

Selma’s experience as a student

Studying at university was the best experience of my life. I was intellectually and socially stimulated and emerged a better, more well-rounded person by the end of it. I was excited and challenged by my course. Although students are given independence and required to take responsibility for their own learning, my lecturers were very friendly and supportive. The open door policy meant I could drop by and ask for help when required. I felt welcomed and supported by my department and by the university services.

University gave me a lot more than my education; it gave me the opportunity to build my confidence and develop myself and my skill-set. I was part of societies, international volunteering projects and university outreach activities; leading campus tours to visitors and mentoring a refugee student weekly. The student experience is more than just an education and it's important in my opinion to get involved with what you're interested in and/or passionate about to have a well-rounded, fun and impactful experience.

Selma’s Career

I started a graduate scheme in September 2020 with Microsoft working as a Technology Solutions Professional. After finishing my final year of university, I decided to give myself a break and spend the summer in South and South East Asia. I spent 3 weeks volunteering in India and 5 weeks travelling across 5 countries. It was a great trip that allowed me to expand my thinking and form new perspectives. I would highly recommend travelling. Sometimes being outdoors teaches you as much as being in class.

Once I returned, I dived into the job search process. As I looked into graduate schemes, I was particularly drawn to Microsoft. Their application process consisted of an online application, a skype interview and then an assessment centre. The process was very positive and the team conducting each step of the process was very supportive and encouraging. I also attended a Technology Insight Day at Microsoft, which offered a great opportunity to find out more about the firm. The whole process took about 5 weeks. The more I learned about the role and the company during the process, the more I became sure that Microsoft was the best fit for me.

91制片厂 offers BSc and MPhys degrees in:

Physics / Engineering Physics / Mathematics and Physics / Physics with Computing / Physics with Theoretical Physics

Please note: Degrees and their titles change over time. Some graduates may have studied degrees that have evolved and changed in response to changes in demand from employers.