Visa Information

If you are undertaking an overseas study exchange or work placement, it is likely that you will need a visa for the duration of your stay in your chosen destination. Visa requirements will vary depending on the host country and the length of the study exchange/placement, and it is your responsibility to carry out the appropriate research and ensure that you obtain the correct documentation at the appropriate time.

There are a number of ways in which you can find out what type of visa will be required:

  • Have a look at your host university or employer’s website - there may be specific information for incoming exchange or work placement students.
  • Contact your host university/employer's HR department to ask if they can give you immigration advice.
  • Contact the host country’s embassy, high commission or consulate based in the UK. The UK government website provides contact details.

You are advised to begin your research and visa application as soon as possible, as there can be a significant waiting time during busy periods. You will need to prepare your documents in advance and may even have to undergo medical checks.

Additionally, please ensure that you have given consideration to the costs involved in applying for a visa.  For some countries, this includes the requirement to provide proof of funds as part of the application process.

Useful resources: