Programme structure

Each year of an undergraduate programme is referred to as a Part. Except the Placement Year (Part I), each Part is made up of a number of modules worth a total of 120 credits.

Programmes will be structured as follows:

Part F (optional)

Foundation Year

Part A

Year 1 of degree programme

Part B

Year 2 of degree programme

Part C

Final year of Bachelor’s degree programmes (BA/BArch/BEng/BSc

Year 3 of Undergraduate Master’s degree programmes (MArch/MChem/MComp/MEng/MMath/MPhys/MSci

Part D

Final Year of Undergraduate Master’s degree programmes (MArch/MChem/MComp/MEng/MMath/MPhys/MSci)

Part I, also referred to as a Placement year, is an Industrial Placement, Erasmus+/International Study Exchange, or combination of Industrial Placement and Erasmus+/International Study Exchange. Normally Part I will come between Parts B and C, although Undergraduate Master’s degree students may have the option to take Part I between Parts C and D.

You must successfully complete one Part of study in order to progress to the next Part.

Modules, credits and student workload

Undergraduate programmes of study are organised on a modular basis. At the beginning of the academic year you must register for the appropriate modules specified in your programme regulations and select from any options available.

Full-time undergraduate students take modules with a total weighting of 120 per academic year. Each module typically has a weight of 10, 20 or 30. This is the number of credits you will be awarded on passing the module.

The notional learning time for a 10-credit module is 100 hours, representing the time on average you will need to spend on the whole range of learning activities, including for example lectures, tutorials, private study, preparing coursework, and sitting examinations. The notional learning time for a full-time undergraduate academic year over 30 weeks is 1,200 hours.

Normally your workload will be divided equally between the two semesters and you will take modules with a weight of 60 in each semester. Some modules will run across both semesters, but most will be studied and assessed within a single semester. Further information about module weightings, content and assessment components (exams/coursework) can be found in the .