Programme structure

Postgraduate programmes of study are organised on a modular basis. At the beginning of the academic year you must register for the appropriate modules specified in your programme regulations and select from any options available.

You'll take modules with a total weighting of 180 if you are aiming for a master's degree. The figure is lower for those aiming for certificates and diplomas. Each module typically has a weight of 10, 20 or 30. This is the number of credits you will be awarded on passing the module.


The notional learning time for a 10-credit module is 100 hours, representing the time on average you will need to spend on the whole range of learning activities, including for example lectures, tutorials, private study, preparing coursework and sitting examinations. The total notional learning time for a Master's student is 1,800 hours.

In a one-year full-time programme your workload will be distributed as evenly as possible, but this will depend on the precise arrangements for your programme and you should consult your programme handbook for more details about this. Further information about module weightings, content and assessment components (exams/coursework) can be found in the .