Working with a scribe

A Scribe will support you by writing what you speak. An invigilator will also be present in the assessment venue along with the scribe. 

What can I expect?

The scribe will:

  • Have a copy of your assessment paper 
  • Write down answers exactly as you dictate them. For foreign language assessments, you must dictate your spelling of the foreign language vocabulary. For any English language paper assessments, you must dictate their punctuation. In all other subjects’ punctuation can be completed by the scribe. 
  • Read back any of鈥痶he answers鈥痠f you request this 
  • Change an answer if you askthem to write something different 
  • Strictly follow your instructions when drawing any maps, diagrams and graphs.
The scribe鈥痺ill not: 
  • Explain or clarify any of the paper 
  • Prompt you to move onto the next question or help you to choose which question to answer 
  • Read any of the assessment paper out loud to you, unless they are working as both Reader and Scribe 
  • Continue writing answers once the assessment has finished. 

If you have rest breaks, your time will start only once the scribe has finished writing down your last answer.

For online long window assessments, a Scribe can join you on MS Teams for a fixed period within your window. Student Wellbeing and Inclusivity (SWAI) will email you prior to the assessment period to advise further on the time slots available for you.

What to do next?

You should check your current assessment adjustments via your self-service portal here 

If they are not as you are expecting, please contact us with the stated deadlines in mind.

Respond promptly to the email you will receive from SWAI prior to the assessment period asking you to confirm your scribe requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know what adjustments I鈥檝e already got in place at University?

Visit your self-service page here and view the ‘disability’ tab.

What paperwork do you need from me to arrange assessment support?

For more information please view our SWAI Evidence Policy

Will adjustments stay in place for the duration of my studies?

Yes, they will. This includes upon your return from any placement or Leave Of Absence etc.

I had a Scribe for School assessments, will I automatically get this for my University assessments?

No, you will need to register with SWAI and be reassessed.

I think I might need a Scribe for my assessments, what should I do?

Please contact us to request the adjustment you require. One of our advisers will review your request.

Last Updated: 1st December 2023