
It is possible that you or your partner may become pregnant whilst studying at university.

Whilst you aren’t required to notify the university of the pregnancy, you should strongly consider contacting Student Services to ensure that appropriate adjustments can be put in place during and following the pregnancy. 

Pregnancy and Maternity are considered protected characteristic under the Equality Act of 2010, and therefore you legally cannot face discrimination.

How can the University Support you?

If you want to talk to someone about your or your partner’s pregnancy, you can talk to the Student Advice and Support Service team in order to get some guidance on what might need to happen next in terms of student finance, your studies, accommodation, etc.  

If you are an international student, you may decide to permanently remain in the UK following the birth of your child, or alternatively you may decide to take a leave of absence or terminate your studies which will impact your visa. We can support you in applying for the most relevant type of visa. 

If you find that you have been impacted by your pregnancy or your partner being pregnant, you can receive support from the Mental Wellbeing team by completing the  

What to do next?

If you are an International Student

If you are an international student worried about the impact of your pregnancy on your visa, please complete our . 

Contact Wellbeing Team

If your pregnancy is having an impact on your wellbeing, please complete our  

Other Concerns

If you are concerned about your finances or worried about housing, please complete our .

External Resources

Last Updated: 4th September 2022