Information for Non-Medical Helpers visiting Campus

We recommend that you classify yourself as a visitor to the campus (similar to a parent visiting or a UPS driver making a delivery).

The alternative is to be classed as a form of sub-contractor visiting the site which attending a full formal induction for working on site, providing us with copies of risk assessments, proof of public liability insurance etc. If you would prefer this please contact

Health & Safety

For visitors there are no formal, separate, Health and Safety or Fire safety policies; these areas fall within the University’s main Health and safety policies. We have a responsibility to:

  • Eliminate accident potential as far as it reasonably practicable
  • Conform with the statutory duties and University codes of practice
  • Ensure that risk assessments are conducted and that adequate control measures are introduced and maintained
  • So far as is reasonably practicable as regards any place of work under the employer's control, the maintenance of it in a condition that is safe and without risks to health and the provision and maintenance of means of access and egress form it that are safe and without such risks.

We ask that as visitors, you:

  • Advise a staff member of anything that could pose a risk or hazard to yourself and/or others
  • Adhere to the fire safety notices in any buildings that you enter. Should a fire alarm go off please evacuate immediately via the nearest fire exit
  • Adhere to the campus speed limit
  • Do not act in a way that creates hazards and/or, as is reasonably practicable, risks for other people
  • Report any near misses or accidents to a member of staff during your visit to campus

Accessing the site and Parking

To access the site you will need to go to a security booth at a visitors entrance. You will need to advise them who you are visiting and they will issue a permit to enter the site. If you also advise security where you will be meeting the student then they can direct you to the nearest car park.

Booking Rooms

As you are external to the University you will need to book a room through the Imago sales office. You can contact them:

Phone: 01509 633 030



Accessing course material or classes

You will need to contact the student's academic department to facilitate access to any classes, tutorials or course materials. This includes being set up with an external user ID for the university IT system. You can find each department's contact details online.

Last Updated: 24th June 2022