
A personal debt is a sum of money that is borrowed from another person or institution (such as Student Finance or a Bank). There is usually an expectation that the money will be repaid within an agreed timescale and there may also be other conditions of the loan such as interest or penalty charges which may accrue.

Debt is not always a bad thing if managed properly and repayments are affordable. However, debt can sometimes become unmanageable if your circumstances change unexpectedly or you borrow more than you can afford.

If you are struggling with debt problems, it can be very stressful and start to affect all areas of your life including your health and your studies.

How can the University Support you?

If you are worried about debts and need help negotiating payments with creditors, contact us for advice. We may also signpost you to other organisations such as who have a wide range of free to use resources.

Emergency Hardship Loan From the University

If you are struggling with day to day living costs the University can help, with a short-term interest and fee free loan of up to £250. There is a link below to our Hardship pages under the 'More Resources' heading.

More Resources

Last Updated: 12th July 2023