Bicycle Theft

Many students choose to use their bikes to travel across campus however this presents the risk of bikes being stolen.

How can the University support you?

Security provides a free bicycle registration service. A small tag is placed on the bicycle and registered to yourself; if the bicycle is reported missing and recovered it can then be returned to you

Security also offers D locks at a competitive price; these are far more secure than chains, cables, or padlocks.

For more information about any of the above please contact security at

What to do next?

There are some simple ways to protect your bikes from theft:

  1. Invest in a ‘D’ lock for your bike – cables and chains are not sufficient
  2. Take removable parts (saddle, quick-release wheels, lights etc) with you or lock them to the bike.
  3. Always secure your bike even if leaving for just a few minutes and preferably leave in a well-lit area.

It’s also worth marking your bike with a UV pen, this means that if the bike is stolen it’s easier to prove that the bike is yours.

What to do if your bike is stolen?

When a crime has been committed, it is important that people are notified about this. There are many people you should contact and telling them all should make claiming insurances easier.

You can contact any of these people or use online reporting tools to identify crime that has taken place.

This is how you contact them:

Campus security

    • Phone: 01509 222141 (can also be found on the back of any student/staff card)
    • Email:
    • Go and see them at the gatehouse near the Student's Union


    • Emergencies: 999
    • Non-Emergencies:101

Leicestershire Police: 0116 222 2222

Last Updated: 7th September 2022