How to Support an Individual Effectively

You may be a witness of an incident or see someone you know subject to an ongoing incident and want to help. Below, you can find further information on how to support someone.

How can the University Support you?

The offers the ability to report an incident that has happened to someone else. Whether you have witnessed this or have major concern that something is going on it is wise to report this, so the person can get the support they need.

What to do next?

Emergency Services

If the person in question is in immediate danger call 999. Alternatively, you can call the campus security emergency number on 0800 526966.

Non-Emergency Situations

If possible, find somewhere quiet and safe. Allow the person time to talk, listen to them and be supportive

You can also discuss their options with them:

  • Do they want to report the incident?
  • Do they want you to report the incident for them?
  • Do they need wellbeing support?

More Resources

Last Updated: 19th September 2022