Doctoral researcher account

Credential format

Doctoral Researchers and visiting Doctoral Researchers, are automatically given access to a range of IT Services when they register with the University.

Single Sign-On Username & Password

This will provide you with access to almost all services. It consists of your department/school codes and your own initials (and maybe a number): e.g., itfms1

Email Address

This will be in this format: When you enter this, you will be asked for your single sign-on credentials (outlined above)

Student ID Number

Is your Registration Number; e.g., F123456. This is a unique identifier which you will keep for the duration of your studies and is useful to quote in any correspondence with us.

We will send you information on how to obtain your IT credentials as part of the registration process, or you can access them from the link below:

What is Single Sign-On (SSO)?

Single Sign-on refers to the one username and password combination required to access most of the services provided by the University including:

  • Campus PCs
  • Email system (MS Outlook)
  • Student Self Service - to edit your student record
  • Library account
  • Printing & printing credits account
  • LEARN, the Virtual Learning Environment for access to programme information and downloadable software
  • myLboro mobile application

If you lose any of these details, contact the IT Service Desk at