IT Services calendar: Planning of maintenance around University events

IT Services are excited to announce that we have created a Resource calendar, managed by Business Partnering, that will allow us to keep track of any business-critical events and meetings to ensure that we are scheduling any IT Services works around periods of importance across the University.

What is classed as business-critical?

To ensure we are still able to complete the important IT updates needed within IT services, some works will have to proceed during business hours. As such we would ask that you only enter important business-critical entries into the diary.

Some examples of what we would class as business-critical would be:

  • Offer holder visit days
  • Results days
  • Exams
  • Awards ceremonies (inc Graduations)
  • Open days
  • Conferences - where constant internet access is needed
  • Major sporting events
  • Critical meetings - especially when hosting online


Adding entries to the calendar

To add a business-critical event to the shared calendar, please add ‘Resource.Calendar.IT Services.ITSBPart’ ( to the required field as an attendee. This is done in the same way you would invite a colleague to a meeting.

This will then add your meeting to the resource calendar. We will use the calendar to cross check when scheduling any works within IT Services to make sure we are not causing any major disruption, where possible.

Please ensure within your meeting invite you include the below:

  • Is internet connectivity required?
  • Will online Microsoft services be required? (i.e. Teams)
  • Contact - provide a contact in case we have further questions
  • What services are critical for your meeting?
  • What is the purpose of the meeting (Specify the event/meeting for example: Open days)

Where can I get more information?

If you have further questions or queries, please contact Business Partnering at

The latest information is always available on the IT Service Availability page .