
Careers Network

Support for finalists

White circles on a purple background containing icons which represent the support offered as part of the Finalist Futures Programme: Careers Support in your final year; also listed in circles as Expert careers coaching, Tailored events, Application support for jobs and postgrad study and Online tools and resources.

If you are in your final year of study and need support, help is at hand. There's loads of information on this page, and elsewhere on our website, and the Careers Network team provides expert careers advice and guidance.

Finalist Futures Checklist

Work your way through your FINALIST FUTURES Checklist, to explore, investigate and learn what you can, and make the most of the support and resources out there for you. We put this checklist together to help make your journey smoother. We’re here to help!

SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE: Book individual coaching appointments with our experienced careers coaches for guidance tailored to your needs.

ENGAGE IN PRESENTATIONS: Make the most of our Finalist Futures events to support your career planning and next steps after graduation.

EXPLORE YOUR GRADUATE OPTIONS: Use the information on our website related to employment, further study and setting up your own business with support from the 91制片厂 Enterprise Network.

ATTEND CAREERS FAIRS AND EVENTS: Network, meet employers and find out about graduate opportunities and internships, including roles with 91制片厂’s own Talent Match scheme.

DEVELOP APPLICATION TECHNIQUES: Refine your CV, cover letters and application forms to use in the UK or other countries, to maximise your chances in the recruitment process.

IMPROVE YOUR PERFORMANCE AT INTERVIEWS: Book interview coaching and attend Mock Assessment Centres for employer coaching and feedback.

BOOST YOUR ACADEMIC SUCCESS: Enhance your academic and study skills through group coaching and workshops. Sessions include Exam Success, Procrastination, Motivation for your Studies, Time Management 101, Juggling Priorities and Facing Challenges.

ACCESS OUR ONLINE TOOLS: Practise employer tests, improve your employability skills, master your interview technique and explore job opportunities in the UK and abroad.

CREATE A PLAN: Make plans for your next steps and develop your skills for the world of work. Our Profiling for Success tools can help you determine your personality type and find career areas and skills to explore.

ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS: Map out your journey by considering your end goal and working backwards, using Personal Best to help you. Keep your wellbeing in mind as you balance your studies, job applications and career planning.

Presentations and workshops for 2024 Finalists

Wondering what to do when you graduate?  Been concentrating on your degree/university activities? Haven’t really had time to think about career plans? Been looking for a job but haven’t got one yet? Haven’t had any careers support at Lboro so far?  Whatever your situation, please be reassured that Careers Network can help.

Why not take a short break to join us at our informal ‘Moving On’ event? Find out how we can support your career planning, before and after you graduate. Join us for some food and to get your careers questions answered as you prepare to leave 91制片厂.

This event runs twice, so please CHOOSE whichever ONE is most convenient for you.

Finalist Futures: Moving On

Date:                 Thursday 9th May

Time:                 6.00 – 8.00pm

Venue:               West Park Teaching Hub

Booking:            Book your place


Date:                  Tuesday 14th May

Time:                  6.00 – 8.00pm

Venue:                James France Exhibition Area

Booking:             Book your place


For further support you can book an appointment for individual help or drop-in to one of our Careers Hubs in Stewart Mason or West Park Teaching Hub 11-3 on weekdays during term time.

Researching your options

It can be hard to know where to start looking for a job as a finalist whilst juggling coursework deadlines and other commitments. At Careers Network we have information on a wide range of topics to help guide you through the process, and we suggest the following pages and information to get started:

  • Visit our Options with your degree page to find out more about what careers your course could lead to. You can find information such as key skills you have developed as a student, resources to research career areas and to help you look for graduate jobs.
  • Go to the  webpage on Prospects to research careers within a specific field, case studies and skills and further qualifications that may be needed for the role.
  • Access our  (just login with your student details) to explore what you have to offer to a career and identify possible careers areas or job roles that may suit your interests, values, skills, attributes and preferences. (You will need to make sure you are connected to the University Network, either on campus or via the VPN.)
  • Book a Careers Coaching Appointment to map out your ideas and talk about your career. You do not have to know what you want to do to book an appointment.
  • Look on the  tool to find out where our 91制片厂 alumni are working to inspire you on your career journey.

Getting careers advice

The Careers Network team is here to provide support and inspiration to help you, whatever your needs. For up-to-date details see Book an appointment.

  • Careers Hubs: East (Stewart Mason 0.06) and West (West Park Teaching Hub 0.07): drop in with any careers related query, 11.00 -3.00 on weekdays during term time.
  • Careers Advice: 20-minute appointments to check CVs, covering letters, or application forms, prepare for interviews and assessment centres or to ask any careers related query. Available via MS Teams or telephone or in-person. Book online or via telephone 01509 222765.
  • Careers Coaching: 30 minutes available via advance booking only - for an in-depth discussion with a Careers Coach about your career. You do not need to have a career in mind for this appointment. Available via MS Teams or telephone or in-person. Book via telephone 01509 222765.
  • Interview Coaching: 30 minutes available via advance booking only - for an opportunity to practise your interview technique with a Careers Coach. Available via MS Teams or telephone or in-person. Book via telephone 01509 222765.
  • Attend events e.g. our careers fairs and online employer events, to network and find out about their opportunities.
  • Find jobs and work experience using our dedicated webpage with a variety of links and information, including our vacancy database Target Connect.
  • Your careers coach will be sending you emails and/or newsletters with jobs, opportunities and other information relevant for your school.

Finding jobs and opportunities

There are a variety of different types of jobs and opportunities available that finalists can apply for post graduation. These include:

  • Graduate schemes/programmes - a structured role (usually between 1-3 years in length) more common in larger companies, combining work and training and requiring a degree
  • Graduate internships - a shorter term role (usually between 1 month and 1 year) often within small to medium size organisations, working on a specific project or within a specific department/team
  • Entry level roles - usually offered in more niche areas such as charities, journalism, social enterprises, sport and within small to medium size organisations in which you progress from entry level by demonstrating your competence and future potential
  • Work shadowing - a short period of shadowing a professional(s) within a role and organisation of interest to you to learn more about the role. Workshadowing is typically between 1 day and 2 weeks maximum in length as it is unpaid.

Information on where to look for these roles can be found on our Find jobs and work experience pages which includes both websites, Target Connect and job hunting through networking.

Applying for graduate roles

We have a range of support available to develop your skills and competence in applying for graduate level roles. You can get support from Careers Network from intitial application right through to interview and accepting a job offer.

We would encourage you to consider engaging in the below options to maximise the effectiveness of your applications.

Exploring postgraduate study


Further study can demonstrate enhanced technical and transferable skills and a commitment to your subject.

Further study at 91制片厂

If you are a 91制片厂 graduate thinking of applying for a postgraduate course at either of the 91制片厂 campuses, you could apply for our Alumni Bursary which awards you up to 10% off tuition fees. You may also be eligble for a UK Government Postgraduate Loan.  Find out more about funding options on the University web page Funding, scholarships and tuition fees.

For advice on choosing a course you can speak to your personal tutor, or come to one of the  where you can speak to current master’s students, which is a great way to find out about their experiences of studying at the next level.

You are able to  or view our courses online for further information.

Further study outside of 91制片厂

The Careers Network team can provide you with impartial information, advice and guidance on postgraduate study. You can have a Careers Advice or Career Coaching appointment to go through your options and help you make a decision that is best for you. We can also check your personal statement for your postgraduate applications. Information on how to book an appointment is available here.

We have more information available on our postgraduate study pages on topics including:

  • Types of postgraduate courses and choosing the right course
  • Reasons for choosing to apply
  • Advantages and disdvantages of postgraduate study

Accessing enterprise and business support

If you’re thinking about going freelance, being self-employed or starting a business after graduating, 91制片厂 Enterprise Network (LEN) provides the space for enterprising students and graduates to connect across both our 91制片厂 and London campuses.

From inspired idea to the next big business start-up, we support students and graduates on their business journeys by providing valuable opportunities for them to develop a highly desirable, entrepreneurial mindset.

More information about the support we provide can be found on our website, or you can contact us directly at LEN@lboro.co.uk.

Newsletters for finalists 2023-2024

We send regular newsletters to all our current final year students.  They will be also be published below throughout the year.

Semester 1

    Welcome to your final year

    Get ready for the Autumn Careers Fair

    Bumper job junting edition

    Making applications and our new online course

    Tackling interviews and assessment centres


   Welcome back to your final year


Semester 2

    Working abroad and gap year special

    Relocating and hybrid working

    Getting the best from our Online Tools

  Careers support, job hunting and transitioning into work

  Kickstarting your career and Careers support for 2024 grads