Your health, safety and security

We take your safety and security seriously. Here, you will find all the information you will need on the processes that we have put in place and what we provide to keep you safe in your halls of residence.

Hall security

  • Corridor and stairwell lighting will remain on with low light levels during hours of darkness. Most windows including those on the ground floor have tamper-proof window restrictors, to prevent forced entry from the outside and to minimise the danger of falling from a height from the inside. To ensure your safety, these must not be removed.
  • All doors to individual blocks have restricted resident key or proximity card access. Individual bedroom doors will require locking on exit and can be locked from the inside via the door handle or resident key. Do not let anyone you don’t know into your block. University staff and contractors will be identifiable by ID cards and name badges. All keys will be signed out and recorded by Hall Managers.
  • Doors to individual bedrooms and kitchens are reinforced hardwood fire doors and are designed for maximum security and to prevent the spread of fire. It is very important that these doors are not wedged open.
  • Spare keys are held in the Hall Reception. Contact the duty sub-warden if the office is closed. Lost student ID cards can be obtained from the parcel and card office located in the Herbert Manzoni building (Please note – lost ID cards can be cancelled at Security if required).

Fire safety

  • In your student bedroom, there will be a blue fire notice located on the notice board or door.
  • Make sure you know where the Fire Assembly Point is located. If you are not sure, ask your Hall Manager.
  • In the event of a fire DO NOT use fire extinguishers. Only trained personnel should use the fire equipment. Close any doors behind you, activate the nearest break glass call point and evacuate.
  • Throughout the term, fire evacuations will take place by the 2nd week of the 1st semester and a second evacuation drill no later than the 4th week of the 2nd semester. Fire alarm tests are carried out weekly (short ring only for approximately 20-30 seconds). If the ring is continual at any time, then you must evacuate the building at once.
  • It is a criminal offence to tamper with fire equipment and you will be fined for misuse as well as being charged for replacing equipment. This also relates to smoke detectors in your rooms which MUST NOT be covered.

Student ID / Key card

Your University ID card provides you with access to your block (excluding Unite halls). Be sure to lock the outer door at night and always lock your room when you are out, taking your keys/ID card with you.

If you lock yourself out of your room contact your Hall Manager or Sub-Wardens/Warden if out of office hours. If you lose your keys then please report this to the Hall Manager who will issue you with a replacement key set for which a charge will apply.

Please remember to hand in your key to your Hall Manager/Reception at the end of your licence term or you will be charged. Replacement ID cards are issued from the Parcels and Card Office for £8.00. Do not punch a hole in your ID card and attach it to your keys, it will stop it from working. Cardholders and lanyards are available from the Parcels and Card Office.

Accidents and emergencies

In the event of an accident you need to report what has happened to either your Hall Manager or Warden Team, depending on what time of day the accident occurred. You can also report an accident or near miss by using the health and safety .

Your Hall Manager or Warden Team will have the contact details of trained First Aiders. Security are also able to assist at all times.

You can contact Security in an emergency by calling 0800 526966.

In an emergency where paramedic or ambulance is called on 999, you must contact Security on 0800 526966 immediately after contacting the emergency services to inform them that a paramedic/ambulance is en route, so Security can effectively direct them to your location. This will save crucial time.

When the Fire Brigade or Police are required, Security must contact them. Contact Security on 0800 526966 or 888 on any internal phone.

Ambulances are for emergencies e.g. chest pain, cardiac arrest, unconscious, stroke or severe bleeding. If it is not an emergency you can get advice by:

  • Telephoning the NHS 111 service or get help at
  • Contacting your GP or pharmacist
  • Going to an Urgent Care Centre

Looking after your health

You can find a GP Practice near the University using the or .

Learn about how to register with a GP.