Alice Sinclair

BSc, MSc

  • Research Associate in Workplace Health

Research groups and centres

Alice Sinclair is a social researcher with 20 years’ experience in managing and delivering organisational research for a range of government departments and public sector clients, including DWP, HSE, the Welsh Government and the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. She previously worked for 12 years as a senior research fellow at the Institute for Employment Studies and has worked freelance for a range of research organisations including Affinity Health at Work and the At Work Partnership.

Her research focus is on occupational health and well-being and she is currently working with Professor Fehmidah Munir as a Research Associate on the IGLOo pilot, trialling online resources to support employees during long-term sickness absence and on their return to work. Prior to this Alice completed a short contract as a Research Associate at Kingston University on a DWP project developing return to work toolkits for line managers and employees on long-term sick leave.

Alice has an MSc in Occupational Psychology from the University of Sheffield and a BSc in Psychology from the University of Leeds.

Alice has conducted applied research and evaluations across a range of workplace topics, including diversity at work, leadership development and coaching, skills mix, health and safety and workplace health and well-being.

She has evaluated a number of government schemes aimed at improving the health and well-being of the workforce, including DWP’s Advice Lines pilot, the HSE’s Constructing Better and Workplace Health Connect pilots, Remploy’s Well-being Through Work pilot, the Welsh Government’s Corporate Health Standard and a number of initiatives run by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA).

Alice’s main area of interest is mental health at work. As well as evaluations of organisational support in this area, she has conducted literature reviews on the topic including: a recent systematic review of the qualitative evidence on the barriers and facilitators to implementation of workplace health interventions for the World Health Organisation; and a rapid review of evidence on workplace adjustments for mental health for Acas (both with Affinity Health at Work).

Alice is an associate at Affinity Health At Work and a regular contributor to the analysis and reporting of the At Work Partnership’s biennial pay and benefit survey of OH professionals.

Featured publications

  • Yarker J, Sinclair A, Lewis R, Munir F (awaiting publication) A review of qualitative research that informs on implementation issues for workplace mental health interventions, Affinity Health at Work report for World Health Organisation.
  • Sinclair A. & Ballard, J. (2022) OH Pay and Benefits 2022 Part 2, Occupational Health at Work 2022, 18(6): 17-31.
  • Sinclair A. & Ballard, J. (2022) OH Pay and Benefits 2022 Part 1, Occupational Health at Work 2022, 18(5): 17-33.
  • Edwards M, Sinclair A, Holmes J, Mackay S & Carter, A. (2021) The impact and effectiveness of leadership development activities for senior leaders: Rapid Evidence Assessment, IES and Ipsos MORI report for the National Leadership Centre.
  • Fu E, Rowlinson R, Wroe Wright E, Haywood A, Lewis R, Yarker J, Sinclair A, Faustino J, Bacon F (2021) Understanding the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Risks and Impacts of Lone Working in Rail, RSSB Project Report T1213.
  • Yarker J, Sinclair A, Donaldson-Feilder E & Lewis R (2020) Work adjustments for mental health: A review of the evidence and guidance, Affinity Health at Work report for Acas.
  • Ballard J & Sinclair (2020) Mental Health First Aid at Work, Occupational Health at Work 2020, 17(4):18-29.
  • Ballard J & Sinclair A (2020) Organisational approaches to mental health, Occupational Health at Work 2020, 16(6): 15-23.