New year resolutions: why your brain isn’t wired to stick to them – and what to do instead

New year, new resolutions. It is that time once again. A recent survey shows that almost 58% of the UK population intended to make a new year’s resolution in 2023, which is approximately 30 million adults. More than a quarter of these resolutions will be about making more money, personal improvement and losing weight.

But will we succeed? Sadly, a survey of over 800 million people by the app Strava, which tracks people’s physical exercise, predicts most of these resolutions  by January 19.

One of the main reasons why promises fail before the end of January is because they are vague. They focus on immeasurable qualities such as being healthier, happier (without defining what that means) or earning more money (without coming up with an amount or plan).

Vague goals do not provide us with sufficient direction. If we do not know exactly where we are going, it is difficult to know which path to take. It is impossible to know how far we have to go to reach our destination, what barriers we will have to overcome and how to prepare for them.

We also often set ourselves unattainable goals because we want to challenge ourselves. There is an  - dubbed the “effort paradox” - in how much our brains love the idea of effort while in reality finding it uncomfortable. We want to think that we will feel more fulfilled if we challenge ourselves to achieve a difficult goal.

Another reason for this is that we experience a  – we are biased towards the present. That means we find it difficult to imagine the kind of difficulties our future selves will face in trying to achieve these resolutions.

We think of the end point that we want now, in the present, but not the process or journey to get there. With such a narrow focus, it is easy to visualise this end point as closer than what it is when we start working towards it.

The lazy brain

To navigate the world, we form mental shortcuts – creating habits. When these cognitive shortcuts have been hardwired in place, our brains find it easier to act without much conscious effort or control. The longer we have had these habits, the more deeply entrenched the cognitive shortcuts behind them are.

For example, we may unthinkingly reach for the jar of biscuits when we park ourselves in front of the telly at night – it becomes a routine. Or we hit the snooze button when the alarm goes off in the morning.

Our brains are lazy and want to minimise cognitive load – meaning we repeat what we find pleasurable rather than consider many different and new options, which may be more or less pleasurable. It is simply easier to take these shortcuts that don’t offer much resistance or discomfort. That said,  and they may find it harder to break them.

To achieve our resolutions, however, we often need to change these deep-seated habits and alter the neural pathways responsible. But as our brains resist this discomfort, we are tempted to go back to a more comfortable place. That’s a reason why we give up our resolutions. An aspect of this is known as the status quo bias. We are more likely to stay with status quo - our existing mindsets - rather than persist with changing these habits which takes time and effort.

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