Research participants wanted: athlete sleep and performance research

The relationships between sleep quality, daytime napping and exercise and sports performance are poorly understood. Athletes and exercisers are sought to take part in an online survey.

The relationships between sleep quality, daytime napping and exercise and sports performance are poorly understood.

Rui Pereira, a PhD researcher in sleep psychology (alongside his supervisor Dr Iuliana Hartescu) is looking to change that with a study investigating sleep and performance. He is looking for atheletes and exercisers to complete an online survey.

The survey takes only 10-15 minutes to complete, and asks questions on participants' activity schedules (both training and competition-wise), day and night-time sleeping patterns and personal characteristics. Completion of the online questionnaire can be entirely anonymous.

Upon completion of the study, if wanted, Rui will be able to provide personal feedback to participants regarding their sleep health. 

You can access the survey using the link below or by contacting Rui directly via email.