Undergraduate finalist awards 2024

Staff and students chatting at the undergraduate finalist meal.

On Wednesday 1 May, we held a celebration meal for all our final year students. As part of the event, Dean Professor Jan Godsell presented awards to a range of students for their outstanding achievements. Well done to all of them!

Award winners

Alex Fazel and Dylan Hood with their award certificates from Jan Godsell.

Alex Fazel and Dylan Hood

Dean's Award for Corporate Social Responsibility

In recognition of their exceptional achievement in creating 'Purple Advisory', a business that supports students finding work experience with local SMEs.

Nicole Tse with their award certificate from Jan Godsell.

Nicole Tse

Dean's Award for Internationalisation

In recognition of her exceptional experience while studying abroad in Germany and Taiwan, learning both languages and achieving excellent results.

Josh Budd with their award certificate from Jan Godsell.

Josh Budd

Dean's Award for Student Enterprise

In recognition of his skills as a student entrepreneur and creating a business.

Daniel Addy with their award certificate from Jan Godsell.

Daniel Addy

Dean's Award for Student Employability

In recognition of his outstanding contribution to IBM, exceeding all the expectations of a placement student.

Ekaterina Kondrateva with their award certificate from Jan Godsell.

Ekaterina Kondrateva

Dean's Award for Student Employability
Highly Commended

In recognition of her placement at Pfizer UK.

Nivetha Srikaran with their award certificate from Jan Godsell.

Nivetha Srikaran

Dean's Award for Student Employability
Highly Commended

In recognition of her placement at NBC Universal.

Federico di Silvio

Dean's Award for Student Employability
Highly Commended

In recognition of his placement at IBM.

Niall Salmon with their award certificate from Jan Godsell.

Niall Salmon

Dean's Award for Student Employability

In recognition of his placement at Dennis Eagle UK.

Will Stam with their award certificate from Jan Godsell.

Will Stam

Dean's Award for Student Employability

In recognition of his placement at Pax8.