Describe how your body feels

We want to know how your body feels to you - what you think and how you feel. With your help, we can build a better picture of how pain feels for different people.

By sharing different people鈥檚 experiences, we hope to learn and understand more about how our brains makes sense of our bodies and the world around us.

Please share your thoughts, using the form below. It is completely anonymous - and you can even share a sketch of how your body feels.

Describe how your body feels

Help us to build a better picture of how pain feels for different people.

Visitor to the BSF2022 explores one of the mind-body illustions

Changing how the body feels

Find out how our audience at the British Science Festival felt about their bodies after they had taken part in our 16 sensory illusions.

You'll be as surprised as they were!

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