Public lecture

Investigating friction in structural dynamics: from fundamentals to physics-informed AI learning

  • 21 September 2022
  • 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
  • Virtual IAS

IAS Visiting Fellow Prof Alice Cicirello delivers a seminar on her research - 

This seminar will cover research work carried out in the past 5 years in developing a fundamental understanding of how to model and monitor friction in structural dynamics. This work has been mainly carried out in collaboration with Dr Luca Marino. I will start with analytical and experimental investigations on a single degree of freedom system with a Coulomb friction contact, highlighting unexpected features such as an inversion point in the transmissibility function.

I will then briefly cover the extension of the approach to multi-degrees of freedom systems. Recent investigations on inferring the evolution of the friction force from measurements in a laboratory setup will be presented. Finally, advances and challenges in employing physics-informed machine learning for the evaluation of the friction force from indirect measurements will be discussed.

By booking a place at this event, attendees agree to behave in a respectful manner such that everyone feels comfortable contributing as they wish. The IAS reserves the right to eject anyone who does not abide by this policy.

IAS seminars are typically recorded, minus any Q&A sessions at the end, again to encourage contributions. The recordings are then uploaded to our website on a Fellows bio page and/or Programme page, along with our . If you are not able to attend a seminar live, please do still register as we will email everyone who registered to let them know once the recordings are made available.

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