
Palm to Palm

  • 25 May 2022
  • 10:30 am - 12:00 noon
  • International House, Shade Garden

Palm to Palm

Performance by Aliansyah Caniago

Aliansyah Caniago presents a newly developed performance, Palm to Palm, which considers relationships to the land in the artist’s home country of Sumatra, Indonesia. Reflecting on the widespread deforestation initiated by colonial occupiers that cleared the way for the Palm Oil plantations which now dominate the landscape, Aliansyah will offer hand massages to audience members using a traditional healing balm derived from the Camphor tree. Weaving together storytelling, personal and collective memory, Aliansyah will reveal connections between migration, colonisation and ecology as he delivers each massage.

This performance is part of a wider project exploring the history of Dryobalanops Aromatica, a critically endangered species of Camphor tree once widespread in Sumatra. Aliansyah’s research has led him to Dryobalanops Aromatica specimens from Indonesiaat Kew Gardens archive and herbarium, where he held the leaves and seeds of this tree - which holds great significance in his community – for the first time.

Attendees are invited to join the artist at International House following the performance for refreshments and an informal discussion around the ideas explored in the work.

To book onto this in-person event, please .

Contact and booking details

Kieran Teasdale
Email address
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