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We鈥檇 love you to share your ideas for eating and living well with us - and our other visitors.

We all know that eating healthily and being active is good for our health and wellbeing, but that doesn鈥檛 mean it鈥檚 easy.

When our lives are so busy, it sometimes seems there’s not enough time and it’s too difficult or tiring to be physically active or cook foods at home.

But we hope we’ve inspired you to think positive – and encouraged you to eat well, move well, live well!

Illustration of three sticky notes - one showing food; two showing activities (skating and skipping)

Let鈥檚 support each other!

The final activity we’ll invite you to do is to leave a positive message for other people who are trying to eat healthily and be more active.

What have you learned about what helps you feel good, and how do you stay motivated?

Please add your helpful hints and tips about eating a balanced diet and being physical active to our Message Board – sharing your knowledge with other visitors and encouraging them to eat well, move well, live well!