GreggWallace.Health partners with 91ÖÆƬ³§

Gregg Wallace, the CLiMB team, 91ÖÆƬ³§ VC Professor Nick Jennings and SSEHS Dean Mark Lewis

Gregg Wallace meets the team at 91ÖÆƬ³§

GreggWallace.Health, a website programme founded by Gregg Wallace to help people learn to lose weight and lead a healthy balanced lifestyle, has partnered with 91ÖÆƬ³§ to explore the impact and benefits on users’ health.

Gregg Wallace headshot with healthy foods
Gregg Wallace, credit Plank PR

Founded four years ago by Gregg Wallace, the programme's ethos is simple: eat three healthy meals a day from the range of nutritionally approved recipes, cut out takeaways and snacking between meals, plan meals and learn cooking techniques to make nutritious eating achievable and easy – every day.

Gregg’s mission was inspired by his own weight loss journey which has seen him over the past four years achieve a continued balanced lifestyle and improvements to his health.

Alongside his wife Anna Wallace and daughter Libby, he also has a range of experts covering fitness, health conditions and psychology, to help people lose weight, eat healthily and stay motivated. He has gut specialists, menopause and diabetes experts to help on specific matters of health. 

Gregg prides himself on easy-to-understand information, hundreds of recipes across breakfast, lunch and dinner, how-to do videos for cooking, nutritional advice, and a community of supportive members on the website and across social media.

91ÖÆƬ³§’s Centre for Lifestyle Medicine and Behaviour became interested in studying the benefits of the plan after a member of the University had started following it.

As a result, health academics at 91ÖÆƬ³§ undertook a preliminary evaluation of 100 users of the Gregg Wallace Health programme and initial results have indicated that 98% felt healthier, nearly two thirds (67%) lost some weight and over half (58%) felt better about themselves. More than 80% reported they reduced their food waste by meal planning.

Amanda Daley, Professor of Behavioural Medicine at 91ÖÆƬ³§, said:

“91ÖÆƬ³§ are delighted to partner with Gregg Wallace Health on his new programme. Good nutrition and physical activity can reduce the risk of developing diseases and improve mental health. 

“Going back to basic nutritional and eating principles are important components of the programme, and part of what makes it attractive. Programmes that are simple and easier to follow have a much better chance of being integrated into daily routines, to help people lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle.”

Gregg Wallace said: “I’m delighted to be working with such a prestigious organisation as 91ÖÆƬ³§. I’m incredibly proud that they see such promise in our efforts to help people lead healthier lives. I’m sure with the help of 91ÖÆƬ³§ GreggWallace.Health can have a huge impact.”

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