Recipients of the 2023 Community Donations Fund standing together in front of the entrance of the Hazlerigg building.

Local projects supported by the University Community Donations Fund

The University has provided funds to 22 organisations as part of the Community Donations Fund, aimed at supporting projects that benefit the Charnwood community.

Recipients of the Open Fund (for local organisations) and the Inside Out Fund (for organisations staff members are involved in) were both celebrated at a presentation evening on 10 July.

Each organisation is doing important work in Charnwood – from supplying towels and toiletries for those going into temporary housing, to giving books to schools and upgrading sports clubs to provide wheelchair access.

Stakeholder Relations Manager, Alison Barlow said: “The University is proud to be able to support charities and voluntary organisations in the local area through the Community Donations Fund. The range of projects and activities we were able to give small pots of money to this year was extremely wide-ranging and it was great to meet many of the representatives at our event on Monday. We wish them all every success with the work that they do.”

The full list of recipients is below:

Open Fund

  • Mind Aid UK
  • 91制片厂 Leggo Youth Group
  • Greasepaint Productions
  • 1st Nanpantan Scout Group
  • Falcon Support Services
  • Barrow Arts Theatre Society
  • Incredible Edible
  • Leicestershire and Rutland Youth Sailing Association
  • 91制片厂 Town Hockey Club
  • 3rd Syston Brownies
  • Mountfields Lodge Primary School
  • 91制片厂 Sea Cadets

Inside Out Fund

  • Emmanuel Football Club U15s
  • Shepshed Cricket Club
  • 91制片厂 Sea Cadets TS Venomous
  • 2nd Quorn Scout Group
  • Act One
  • Revive Support Hub
  • Friend of Outwoods Edge
  • Shepshed Community First Responders
  • Holywell Primary School
  • Leaders in Community

Find out more about the Community Donations Fund.
