Myth busting

Let鈥檚 clear up a few misconceptions about Enterprise - read on to iron out some common misunderstandings.

You can also come along to one of your School Enterprise Clinics to talk to us about your ideas and plans. Dates for upcoming Clinics are available on the calendar page.

There鈥檚 no support available for the kind of thing I do - and no one to talk to about enterprise.

Colleagues from across campus undertake enterprise activities as part of their work, collaborating with organisations from a range of sectors.

It’s about applying your research expertise and knowledge to a real world challenge and developing a solution – be that supporting policy implementation, introducing new business processes, or analysing existing data to create meaningful ways to address a problem.

There are plenty of people on campus who can help and advise you, including your Associate Dean for Enterprise and your school’s Enterprise Buddy. Visit our contact page to meet the team.

You can also go along to one of your school’s Enterprise Clinics where we can discuss your ideas. Dates for the Clinics are available in our calendar.

My research is at too early a stage to be of interest to any external organisations.

It’s never too early to think about who will benefit from your research.

External organisations might be interested in partnering you in a mutually beneficial project to develop your idea.

Enterprise is just consultancy and it鈥檚 not worth my while doing small consultancy projects.

Enterprise activity does include consultancies, but there are other longer term ways to work with partners.

However, don’t dismiss the idea of a consultancy. They can be an excellent way to build trust with an external partner, perhaps leading to long-term collaborations.

The Enterprise Office Consultancy Team will take care of the project management and administration, and make sure you have the right insurance to undertake the work and protect your intellectual property.

It鈥檚 all about making money and that doesn鈥檛 motivate me.

It’s not just about money - it's more about making a difference and improving people’s lives.

External project partners may not be able to fund your project, but their in-kind contributions will enrich your work, and the projects you deliver together could have really valuable social impact.

Enterprise is just about start-ups and SpinOuts, but I don't want to start a company.

Enterprise activities take many forms spanning short-term consultancies, research partnerships, secondments with external partners, developing new training materials for partners....

The list is long and varied.

Company formation is part of the enterprise toolkit, but most projects don’t result in a SpinOut or start-up.