Bur莽e 脟elik

Institute for Media and Creative Industries, London

Burce is  a cultural and media studies scholar, and her work is a political project that seeks to contribute to the de-westernization of media studies, and of cultural histories of media and communications. This also includes the tackling of historical and contemporary forms of colonialism, racism, and imperialist power structures in the communicative sphere, as well as exploring the dynamics of ethnic, feminist, and workers’ struggles that spring up in the non-western spaces of global media cultures. Her work is informed by the political agenda of cultural studies, critical and socialist feminism, critical race and ethnicity studies, and anti-imperialist and de-colonial intellectual traditions of the South.

She is currently leading a EED funded project on women media and memory in Turkey; and working on a monograph on the history of communications in the Middle East from a decolonial and Marxist perspectives; and has previously worked on the Kurdish movement and their mediated practices in the region.


  • Celik, B (2019) 'Telephone girls' at the frontline of Third World telephony: The Turkish case between the 1950s and the 1980s, Media History, 26(3), pp.330-345, ISSN: 1469-9729. DOI: 10.1080/13688804.2019.1585234.
  • Celik, B (2013) The politics of the digital technoscape in Turkey: Surveillance and resistance of Kurds, New Perspectives on Turkey, 49, pp.31-56, ISSN: 0896-6346. DOI: 10.1017/S089663460000203X.
  • Celik, B (2012) Appropriation of cellphones by Kurds: The social practice of struggle for political identities in Turkey. In The Mobile Media Reader (Digital Formations), © Peter Lang, pp.163-176, ISBN: 978-1433113000.