Exploring Ultrafast Processes of Low-Dimensional Ferromagnets and Spin-Orbit Torque Devices

  • 14 June 2023
  • 13:00 - 14:00
  • DAV.0.29

Speaker: Dr Paul Keatley

The Exeter Time Resolved Magnetism (EXTREMAG) Facility is a new ultrafast laser facility at the University of Exeter that offers its users low temperature and high magnetic field environments for a variety of time-domain optical pump-probe, microscopy, and terahertz experiments. Recently, users of the facility have applied the capabilities of EXTREMAG to the study of flakes of low- or 2-dimensional materials. The combination of high optical spatiotemporal resolution with the low temperature and high magnetic field environments has made EXTREMAG an attractive facility for such systems. User experiments are fully supported by Paul who is EXTREMAG’s Senior Experimental Officer with a research background in high frequency magnetization dynamics in magnonic, spintronic, and data storage materials and devices. In the first part of the presentation Paul will describe the current progress within EXTREMAG for the study of low-dimensional materials and how to access the facility, while the second part will feature recent results of picosecond magnetization dynamics in spin-orbit torque devices on approach to switching using sub-nanosecond current pulses.

Important Links

My University webpage: 

EXTREMAG webpage: 

Contact for enquiries regarding the use of EXTREMAG: p.s.keatley@exeter.ac.uk or extremag@exeter.ac.uk

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