Research projects

  • 2022 - 2027: Centre for Early Mathematics Learning (CEML)
    • DME staff: Julia Bahnmueller, Ouhao Chen, Krzysztof Cipora, Colin Foster, Camilla Gilmore, Matthew Inglis, Tim Jay, Hugo Lortie-Forgues, Korbinian Moeller, Kinga Morsanyi, Francesco Sella, Iro Xenidou-Dervou.
  • 2022: Improving conceptual understanding of university mathematics through comparing and contrasting students’ mathematical writing
    • DME staff: Ian Jones
    • Funder: Spencer Foundation
  • 2022-24: Does mathematics develop logical reasoning?

    • DME staff: Lara Alcock
    • Funder: Leverhulme Trust
  • 2023 - 2024: The adaptive online tutoring program – Visiting Professor Research
    • DME staff: Ouhao Chen
    • Collaborators: Slava Kalyuga
    • Funder: 
  • 2021-22: Designing and evaluating a novel board game to improve early numerical skills
  • 2020 – 2024: Capturing child attention: Are perceptually rich stimuli the best way to aid number learning?
    • DME staff: Megan Foulkes, Francesco Sella
    • Funder: Economic and Social Research Council Studentship
  • 2020 – 2023: Skills Underlying Maths: The Role of Inhibitory Control in Learning Multiplication Tables
    • DME staff: Camilla Gilmore
    • Collaborator: Lucy Cragg
    • Funder: Economic and Social Research Council Studentship
  • 2020-22: Feedback and cognition: what is the role of prior knowledge?

    • DME staff: Ian Jones
    • Collaborator: Igor’ Kontorovich
    • Funder: Royal Society
  • 2020-2021: Multiplication and sleep - does learning before sleep improve recall?
    • DME staff: Camilla Gilmore, Jayne Trickett
    • Funder: British Academy Small Research Grant
  • 2019 - 2024: Centre for Mathematical Cognition
    • DME staff: Camilla Gilmore, Matthew Inglis
    • Funder: Research England
  • 2019: Review of Evidence on Early Years and KS1 Mathematics Teaching

    • DME staff: Camilla Gilmore
    • Collaborators: J. Hodgen, C. Foster, R. Marks & V. Simms
    • Funder: Education Endowment Foundation
  • 2019: LEGO® construction, spatial thinking and mathematics achievement
  • 2019-23: Optimising learning of multiplication and division facts in schoolchildren
    • DME staff: Camilla Gilmore
    • Collaborators: , 
    • Funder: ESRC collaborative studentship via 
  • 2018-22: ‘1’ to ‘one’ and back again: A longitudinal investigation of the foundations of efficient number transcoding in early primary school
  • 2018-22: Why do some children make more educational progress than others?
  • 2014-22: Foundations of Mathematics: Understanding and Improving Early Numerical Skills
    • DME Staff: Camilla Gilmore
    • Funder:  (Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellowship)
  • 2017-21: Investigating and improving post-16 mathematics learning
  • 2017-21: How do numerical symbols gain meaning?
  • 2018-21: Partnership for Learning and Teaching in University Mathematics (PLATINUM).
  • 2017-20: Enabling Better Online Assessment in Mathematics
    • DME Staff: Ian Jones
    • Collaborators: Chris Sangwin, , 
    • Funder: 
  • 2017-20: Individual Differences in Attention in the Mathematics Classroom
  • 2017-19: Transforming Transitions
    • DME Staff: Carol Robinson, Helen MacKenzie
    • Collaborators: 
    • Funder: 
  • 2019-23: Reasoning skills in post-16 mathematics students
    • DME staff: Lara Alcock,
    • Collaborator: 
    • Funder: ESRC collaborative studentship via 
  • 2019-20: Exploring socially-distributed professional knowledge for coherent curriculum design
    • MEC Staff: Colin Foster
    • Collaborators: , Fay Baldry, 
    • Funder: 
  • 2019-20: Collaborative Lesson Research
    • MEC staff: Colin Foster
    • Collaborators: Geoff Wake, 
    • Funder:  
  • 2016-18: Student learning through collaborative design and teaching of STEM Foundation Mathematics
  • 2017-18: Cross-linguistic Effects on Adults’ Numeracy: A Novel Eye-tracking Approach
  • 2017-18: The Role of Teacher Knowledge and Classroom Resources in Understanding Equivalence Relations in Mathematics
    • MEC Staff: Ian Jones
    • Collaborators: 
    • Funder: 
  • 2015-18: Mathematics Learning Disabilities from Childhood to Adolescence: New Evidence and Intervention for Very Preterm Children
    • MEC Staff: Camilla Gilmore
    • Collaborators: Samantha Johnson, ,  , ,  and 
    • Funder: 
  • 2016-17: A review of interventions to improve primary school mathematics achievement
  • 2017: Gender issues in STEM education
    • MEC Staff: 
    • Funder: British Council/CONACyT
  • 2014-17: Spontaneous Focusing on Numerosity and the Development of Early Numerical Skills
    • MEC Staff: Sophie Batchelor
    • Funder: 
  • 2015-16: Discourses of Mathematical Modelling in Higher Education in Norway and England
    • MEC Staff:  & Stephanie Thomas
    • Collaborators: Yuriy Rogovchenko & Olov Viirman
    • Funder: 
  • 2014-16: Understanding Mathematical Language: Construction and Analysis of Expert and Learner Corpora
  • 2013-16: 
    • MEC Staff: Tony Croft, Janette Matthews & Moira Petrie
    • Funder: 
  • 2014-15: Developing Secondary Education Progress Measures in Mathematics and English
  • 2013-15: 
  • 2012-15: 
  • 2010-15: The relationship between advanced mathematical study and general thinking skills
  • 2013-14: Are A level mathematics standards the same across curricula?
  • 2012-14: 
  • 2009-14: 
  • 2008-14: The roots of arithmetic: Linking numerical cognition with mathematics education
  • 2011-13: 
  • 2012: Assessment in first year calculus
  • 2012: Lecturers' perceptions of CAA
    • MEC Staff: Paul Hernandez-Martinez, Carol Robinson & Stephen Broughton
    • Funder: HE STEM MU-MAP Project
  • 2011-12: 
  • 2011-12: Views of graduates on the higher education curriculum
    • MEC Staff: Tony Croft & Matthew Inglis
    • Funder: National HE STEM Programme
  • 2011-12: 
    • MEC Staff: Lara Alcock, Tony Croft, Matthew InglisBarbara Jaworski & Aruna Palipana
    • Collaborators: Brown, Kay, Kenny, McIver, Strohmaier, Fitzgerald, Hallnas, , Hunsicker, Newbold
    • Funder: National HE STEM Programme
  • 2011: Promoting participation and engagement in post-compulsory mathematics education for STEM
    • MEC Staff: Paul Hernandez-Martinez
    • Collaborators:  & 
    • Funder: 
  • 2010-11: Engineering students understanding mathematics (ESUM): An innovative teaching approach with integrated research
  • 2010-11: 
    • MEC Staff: Alun Owen
    • Collaborators: Leckenby, Samuels & Wrightham
    • Funder: National HE STEM Programme
  • 2009-10: Evaluating a computer-based approach for improving proof comprehension
  • 2009-10: ExPOUND: Explaining proofs: Offering understanding through notated demonstrations
    • MEC Staff: Lara Alcock & Aruna Palipana
    • Collaborators: Barnett, Shields & 
    • Funder: 
  • 2009-10: FETLAR: Finding electronic teaching learning and assessment resources
    • MEC Staff: Tony Croft
    • Collaborators:  & MSOR Network
    • Funder: 
  • 2009-10: RELEASE: Upgrade of  and  
    • MEC Staff: Tony Croft
    • Collaborators: Skillbank UK
    • Funder: 
  • 2009-10: Uncovering the sources of arithmetic
  • 2009-10: How should the equals sign be taught?
  • 2009-10: Resources in mathematics for use with Electronic Voting Systems
  • 2009-10: Technology for teaching
    • MEC Staff: Carol Robinson & Joe Ward
    • Collaborators: Campbell, Crawford, Evans & Hodgson
    • Funder: 
  • 2008-10: Establishing the effectiveness of LGEs as a teaching strategy
    • MEC Staff: Matthew Inglis
    • Collaborators: Iannone & Siemons
    • Funder: MSOR Network
  • 2005-10: 
    • MEC Staff: Tony Croft
    • Collaborators: Lawson
    • Funder: 
  • 2008-09: