
Focussing on multiple hydro-geohazards and their attendant cascading hazard chains (e.g. floods, landslides, erosion, debris flows), we take an interdisciplinary, coupled human and natural systems (CHANS) approach to co-develop new methodologies and tools – using the latest informatics technologies and social science knowledge, coupled with indigenous knowledge – to analyse the increasingly complex human-landscape interactions, and the natural and human drivers of multi-hazards, to quantify and manage their systemic risks.



  • Risk evaluation of glacier debris flows under climate change in south eastern Tibet, Royal Society (04/2024 – 03/2026)
  • Standardising High-Performance Integrated hydrodynamic Modelling System (HiPIMS) for flood modelling and RIsk managemenT (SPIRIT), EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account funded project (01/2024 – 12/2024) 
  • : EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Water and Waste Infrastructure Systems Engineered for Resilience, EPSRC (EP/S022066/1; 06/2019 – 11/2027)
  • GCRF , UKRI GCRF Collective Programme (NE/S008926/1; 02/2019 – 10/2024)

Recently completed

  • PYRAMID: Platform for dYnamic, hyper-resolution, near-real time flood Risk AssessMent Integrating repurposed and novel Data sources, NERC (NE/V003321/1; 08/2020 – 08/2023) 
  • Beyond the Networked City: Building Innovative Delivery Systems for Water, Sanitation and Energy in Urban Africa, EPSRC-GCRF (ES/T007656/1; 04/2020 – 03/2023)
  • FLASH: Fit-for-purpose high-resoLution risk Assessment and forecasting System for rainfall-induced Hazards in Bhutan, NERC (2021COPA&R46Chen; 10/2021 – 03/2022)
  • Valuing the benefits of blue/green infrastructure for flood resilience, natural capital and urban development in Viet Nam (ValBGI), NERC-Newton Fund Understanding of the Impacts of Hydrometeorological Hazards in South East Asia programme (NE/S00288X/1; 01/2019 – 03/2022)
  • WeACT: Web-Based Natural Dam-Burst Flood Hazard Assessment and ForeCasting SysTem, NERC SHEAR programme (NE/S005919/1; 09/2018 – 03/2022)
  • Gender Responsive Resilience and Intersectionality in Policy and Practice (GRRIPP) - Networking Plus Partnering for Resilience, ESRC (ES/T002700/1; 11/2019 – 04/2024)

Recent publications

  • Xia X, Jarsve KT, Dijkstra T, Liang Q, Meng X, Chen G (2023) . Engineering Geology, 326, 107310. 
  • Wang H, Wang G, Zheng J, Liang Q, Tao A (2023) . Physics of Fluids, 35(7): 1070-6631. 
  • Tong X, Lai X, Liang Q (2023) . Journal of Hydrology, 621, 129588,,
  • Hill B, Liang Q, Bosher L, Chen H, Nicholson A (2023). . Journal of Flood Risk Management, e12899,
  • Xiong Y, Liang Q, Zheng J, Stolle J, Nistor I, Wang G (2022). Ocean Engineering, 255, 111468,
  • Zhou X, Moinuddin M, Renaud FG, Barrett B, Xu J, Liang Q, Zhao J, Xia X, Bosher L, Huang S, Hoey T (2022) . Sustainability Science, 17(4): 1405-1433,
  • Zhao J, Chen H, Liang Q, Xia X, Xu J, Hoey T, Barrett B, Renaud FG, Bosher L, Zhou X (2022) . Sustainability Science, DOI: 10.1007/s11625-021-01034-6.
  • Chen H, Zhao J, Liang Q, Maharjan SB, Joshi SP (2022) . Science of the Total Environment, 806(3): 151289.
  • Su X, Xia X, Liang Q, Hou J (2022) . Computers and Geotechnics, 141: 104537.
  • Xing Y, Shao D, Liang Q, Chen H, Ma X, Ullah I (2021) . Journal of Hydrology, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127365
  • Liu K, Ke L, Wang J, Jiang L, Richards KS, Sheng Y, Zhu Y, Fan C, Zhan P, Luo S, Cheng J, Chen T, Ma R, Liang Q, Madson A, Song C (2021) . Geophysical Research Letters, 48(24): e2021GL095795
  • Nian T, Li D, Liang Q, Wu H, Guo X (2021) . Computers and Geotechnics, 140: 104438.
  • Zhao W, Xia X, Su X, Liang Q, Liu X, Ju N (2021) . Landslides, 18: 3213-3226.
  • Han H, Hou J, Bai G, Li B, Wang T, Li X, Gong J, Gao X, Su F, Wang Z, Liang Q (2021) . Journal of Hydroinformatics, 23(4): 764-781.
  • Wang G, Liang Q, Shi F, Zheng J (2021) . Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 915: A54.
  • Jiang J, Liang Q, Xia X, Hou J (2021) . Environmental Modelling & Software, 136: 104951.
  • Qin H, Liang Q, Chen H, De Silva V (2024). . Water Resources Research60(7), e2023WR036269.
  • Zhou Y, Wu Z, Liang Q, Xu H, Wang H, Xue W (2024). . Sustainable Cities and Society108, 105512.
  • Hill B, Chen H, Liang Q, Bosher L, Vann J (2024). . Nature-Based Solutions5, 100120.
  • Cao L, Liu S, Zeng J, Qin S, Zhang Z, Wang G, Zheng J, Liang Q, Tao A (2024). . Journal of Marine Science and Application, 1-13.
  • Yang H, Cui X, Cai Y, Wu Z, Gao S, Yu B, Wang Y, Li K, Duan Z, Liang Q (2024). . Remote Sensing16(8), 1318.
  • Wang H, Wang G, Fu R, Zheng J, Wang P, Yu F, Liang Q (2024). . Physics of Fluids36(4).
  • Wang W, Du Q, Yang H, Jin P, Wang F, Liang Q (2024). . Journal of Hydrology631, 130821.
  • Hergibo P, Liang Q, Phillips TN, Xie Z (2024). . Journal of Computational Physics499, 112719.