Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Terms of Reference



  1. To act on behalf of Council to promote and advance EDI throughout the University.
  2. To assure Council and Senate of the good promotion and effective delivery of EDI objectives.
  3. To assure Council that strategies are in place to reduce any gender and ethnicity pay gaps.
  4. To review and monitor the implementation of strategic EDI objectives as identified in the University Strategy and the EDI Core Plan.
  5. To comment and intervene as required/necessary to gain assurance that actions and associated outcomes are in line with the University Strategy and the EDI Core Plan.
  6. To oversee the delivery of the EDI Core Plan.
  7. To review the impact and effectiveness of the implementation of EDI policies and practices for staff, students and other stakeholders.
  8. To provide direction to and review the work of the EDI Operational Board.
  9. To receive regular progress reports from the EDI Operational Board and all other EDI related Groups and Advisory Forums, making recommendations as necessary.

Decision making and other duties

  1. To ensure appropriate resources are provided to enable the EDI Operational Board to deliver on the directives.

Standard duties

  1. To report to Council and Senate after each meeting.
  2. To review annually its Terms of Reference.
  3. To review annually its effectiveness.
  4. To advise Senate and Council on any issues within its terms of reference arising from the reports.
  5. To refer business to other Committees as it sees fit.
  6. To set up and oversee sub groups of the committee and to commission reports from these sub groups as necessary to assist the Committee in its duties, and to produce terms of reference for these groups.